Get to know - Roller's Bakery

Get to know - Roller's Bakery

There's a new bakery in Northcote, Auckland.

Roll into Roller's Bakery. Whether you're looking for a sweet treat or a savoury snack they have you covered and they haven't skipped on vegetarian options either.

We chat to the team about their love of baking, logo designs, favourite pie combinations and more...

Hey Tamara, thanks for chatting with us. Firstly, can you please tell our readers how Rollers Bakery started?

We’ve all been working in hospo for such a long time! So to do something for ourselves was always a goal. Judah and Laurence went to school together and happened to bump into each other after 9ish years. 

After a few afternoons of beers and dreaming, we decided that the three of us were onto something. We wanted to create an open space where customers can see what’s going on behind the scenes, ask questions and get involved. It’s been very rewarding so far!

Where did your love of baking come from?

I’ll pass this question onto Laurence - The man behind all things baking.

To be completely honest with you it was the first job I got when I left school and from there I travelled to Australia and did 9 years in London. I’ve learnt heaps from a lot of different bakers and continued that path ever since. It’s great to be able to do something for ourselves now. Makes all those “baker hours” worth it. 

We love your branding. How did you come up with your awesome logo?

Thank you! We worked with one of our really good friends, Bianca at ‘Dyer Design’ We drew inspiration from retro branding - having a brand mascot adds a playful personality and reflects who we are as a team. We were very happy when we saw the Kakariki Green cups by decent match our logo perfectly!

How do you decide what to put on your delicious-looking menu?

We are constantly bouncing ideas off each other - but we also love creating new seasonal things. Judah learnt a lot from Joe at Ozone about preserving and pickling so if we ever get our hands on a bunch of lemons for example he’ll preserve them and make lemon curd. 

The open layout of the bakery gets everyone involved so we like to bounce ideas off the customers as well.

What’s your current favourite Roller’s pie flavour?

My favourite has been the pepper steak and tomato since day 1! Just can’t get over it. Or the Cheesy Vege Bake - ultimate comfort pie.

We’re stoked you use our sustainable packaging. What other sustainable practices have you introduced into your business or at-home life? 

We are all pretty conscious of sustainability and minimal waste.

We make all our stocks from scratch so most food waste can be used in those or if we have excess we can preserve it! Always happy to take donations of fruit or vegetables from friends' gardens as well.

Separating soft plastics, recyclables and compostables is something we practise at home and Rollers as well. Another thing we do is recycle our tetra packs with All Good Oat Milk for Saveboard. 

What has been your favourite part of Roller’s Bakery journey so far?

Probably just the incredible support we’ve had from the community. It’s been so great getting to know everyone and hearing how much they appreciate what we are doing. 

What are you looking forward to most about the year ahead for Rollers? 

We are starting to get into more of a routine so we are all looking forward to a little bit more rest!! Also looking forward to expanding our menu and introducing new things.

Can you please tell our readers where you are and how they can support you from afar?

Our address is 54 Northcote Road, Akl

@rollersbakerynz - Instagram and Facebook



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