What mental health means to decent packaging.

What mental health means to decent packaging.

We open up the conversation with our General Manager, Fraser and our team to discuss ways we manage our own mental health and what we have done as a business to help support everyone's mental well-being. 


What does mental health mean to decent packaging and what changes have you made to the business to put mental health first?

It's super important and one of the pillars of our business. We have always encouraged open communication and if the team is ever overwhelmed or stressed to take some time or an afternoon to themselves no questions asked. After lots of discussions (and a few lockdowns), it culminated in us first trialling and then implementing a 4-day work week permanently. It has been 14 months since that was done and it's been great to see the positive impacts. 

What have been the benefits of the 4 day working week?

Happier, rested, enriched and therefore more efficient and productive team members. A win win all round really.

What advice would you give to other businesses thinking of implementing this?

Do it! But do it with a clear expectation of why you are doing it and what the outputs and expectations are to be. Flexibility is important in the way we work now, but flexibility can't mean a drop in standards so that's important to be aware of. 

How has the 4 day working week benefited your life personally?

Being in my position it can be hard to switch off, but it has given me a more defined schedule and that results in more focussed work and therefore outcomes. For example, booking internal meetings on one particular day, and then scheduling time for outside of work time. Being 'busy' is a symptom of the modern world but with the 4 day week implemented it's made me get better at identifying when to go hard and when to prioritise myself.

When you’re needing a break, what are the best things for you to do to relax?

With an 8 month old little boy and dog, there isn't as much time as there used to be. The evenings and weekends certainly fill up pretty fast! But dog walks, kid time and skateboarding (I'm a big kid too really) fill up the majority of the time. I find a task that has your sole focus is something that actually relaxes me more, decluttering the mind is likely the reason for that but when you are skating a swimming pool, for example, you can't really be focusing on much else!


National helplines

Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor.

Lifeline – 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP).

Suicide Crisis Helpline – 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO).

Healthline – 0800 611 116

Samaritans – 0800 726 666 
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