Introducing our latest Compostable Canvas Artist - Helen Mai

Introducing our latest Compostable Canvas Artist - Helen Mai

Inspired by nature, Helen Mai has designed our latest Compostable Canvas series. These cups are an abstract representation of lemons and oranges. A slice of colour with your morning coffee!

We chat to Helen about all things design, her favourite citrus recipes and more...

Hey Helen, thanks for chatting with us. Firstly, can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into design?

I’m a fellow Kiwi who has been living in Australia for the past 4 years (Brisbane, Sydney and now Toowoomba). I’m a huge lover of food, dogs, travelling and plants! I’ve always  loved beautiful visuals, packaging, brands, spaces and all things art/design… which led me to study Graphic Design at AUT and have been designing ever since.

We are loving the Compostable Canvas fruit Cups you created, they look amazing! Can you tell our readers the inspiration behind this design?

Bold shapes and colours. I love organic shapes in nature — none the same, all beautiful.

If you could describe your design style in three words, what would they be?

Simple, Playful, Authentic

Do you have tips for someone wanting to get into design?

It’s probably cheesy but it’s true — no better day than today. Just start. There’s never going to be enough time or the right time to work on those project ideas, so just start.

Since we are coffee obsessed here, what is your daily coffee order? 

Good ol’ Flat White or on a hot day it would be an Iced Latte.

Being based in Toowoomba, what are your go-to places to eat and visit on your days off?

There’s a local pastry place that does delicious treats and pies, think airy croissant layers, specialty bread — Baker’s Duck. And another sweet place down the road we like to take our pup with us — Burrow. Toowoomba is also known as the ‘Garden City’ because it has a heap of beautiful parks and gardens. Most people come and visit during Spring time during the Carnival of Flowers where all the blooms take over.

Since your Compostable Canvas designs are citrus fruit based, do you have any fav citrus recipes you’d like to share with our readers?

I don’t have any recipes of my own, but I do love a good lemon curd paired with a coconut cake! Here’s a simple and tasty lemon curd recipe from Sally’s Baking Addiction.


What does sustainability mean to you in your day to day life?

Personally, sustainability means making conscious choices (big and small) that are simple enough that I can sustain them on a day to day basis, whilst still being sustainable for the environment. 

It’s a balance between not creating too much extra work and ‘doing enough’. For example, we have a compost and worm farm. And instead of going outside with my scraps as we create them, I keep two bowls in the fridge for our scraps (one for compost and one for worm farm — worms are a little more fussy with what they like), and take them out when they’re full. 

Other things like using our rainwater tank to water our vege and flower garden and making use of our green bin. As well as having a food schedule and storing produce properly really helps with not having fresh produce go to waste. 

Lastly, where can out readers find you to support you? 
Design work: and

Day to day food, travel, puppy & plant love:





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